Living the chaw-coh-lott lifestyle
The closing night party at Belcourt Castle hummed among the antiques and chandeliers. I had to change my outfit about six times before my sister and I ventured out because I’ve probably gained mucho pounds this week, enjoying much of the delicious food Newport has to offer. And if I don’t reel myself in right now this entry will turn into a chronicle of sumptuous menus instead of an account of things film-related. (Though I will tell you my breakfast order for tomorrow morning is for the stuffed French toast).
Tonight I spied the lovely Sarah Clarke who played Nina Myers on the first season of “24” and was killed off because she was a mole. She is just as pretty in real life and maybe a little less deadly, but who knows? My sister said to me, “Look behind you – why does that woman look familiar?”
“Oh,” I said. “Because she looks like that woman who played Nina on ‘24’.” Little did I know until Jim Gillis pointed it out to me that she of course did play the diabolical Nina. Diabolical, but hot, hot, hot, hot stuff. Tiny, beautiful.
Then I spied Kevin Corrigan. Now, I think “Grounded for Life” is just a great show. But my favorite thing about it is Uncle Eddie, played by Kevin Corrigan. (Wait – I must admit I adore it when Lily screams her teenage banshee scream, as well). But I love Uncle Eddie and his male-slutty ways so much that my best friend Wil and I find ourselves quoting him flagrantly.
“You can’t just sell the chocolate,” he says on one episode where the kids have to peddle candy bars to benefit their Catholic school. “You have to sell the chocolate [pronounced ‘Chaw-coh-lott’] lifestyle.” He is just as handsome, alluring and delightfully odd in real life as he is on the show. And that voice. Mmm-hmm. He is in the film that played tonight, “Champions.” It seems most people remember him from “Goodfellas” and the whole sauce-stirring situation. Apparently he had no facial hair at the time and they had to glue some on or something, if I heard right this evening.

He was so pleasant. I wanted to talk to him more but the whole party was strong-armed out of the place. So much so that other partygoers were complaining on their way out. I believe I saw a young woman smash a martini glass into the gravel on the outskirts of the castle. I know we tried to grab a drink for last call but snoozed and lost, which was just as well, I suppose. Though I would have loved to have jammed Kevin Corrigan, Jim Gillis, Janine Weisman (my charming editor) and her husband Larry into the back of my convertible to go grab a drink somewhere else. Instead, though, my sister and I had one at Mudville, which was good too. Still, I don’t think anyone was ready for the party to end. But the men in the maroon polo shirts delivered unto us the verdict, at 12:36 AM, and the dudes must abide.
Sometimes one must live the chaw-coh-lott lifestyle somewhere else.
PS. The food that I did taste at the party was delish. I especially liked the mini cones with tuna sashimi bits inside. It was like a fried hand roll. And Larry brought Janine over a dessert item that was a marshmallow on a toothpick dipped in chaw-coh-lott and then rolled in some shredded something – coconut or nuts? It looked good.
Ok. The Chaw-coh-lott lifestyle dictates than Jenn Sutkowski needs to be in bed pronto. A bientot.
The closing night party at Belcourt Castle hummed among the antiques and chandeliers. I had to change my outfit about six times before my sister and I ventured out because I’ve probably gained mucho pounds this week, enjoying much of the delicious food Newport has to offer. And if I don’t reel myself in right now this entry will turn into a chronicle of sumptuous menus instead of an account of things film-related. (Though I will tell you my breakfast order for tomorrow morning is for the stuffed French toast).
Tonight I spied the lovely Sarah Clarke who played Nina Myers on the first season of “24” and was killed off because she was a mole. She is just as pretty in real life and maybe a little less deadly, but who knows? My sister said to me, “Look behind you – why does that woman look familiar?”
“Oh,” I said. “Because she looks like that woman who played Nina on ‘24’.” Little did I know until Jim Gillis pointed it out to me that she of course did play the diabolical Nina. Diabolical, but hot, hot, hot, hot stuff. Tiny, beautiful.
Then I spied Kevin Corrigan. Now, I think “Grounded for Life” is just a great show. But my favorite thing about it is Uncle Eddie, played by Kevin Corrigan. (Wait – I must admit I adore it when Lily screams her teenage banshee scream, as well). But I love Uncle Eddie and his male-slutty ways so much that my best friend Wil and I find ourselves quoting him flagrantly.
“You can’t just sell the chocolate,” he says on one episode where the kids have to peddle candy bars to benefit their Catholic school. “You have to sell the chocolate [pronounced ‘Chaw-coh-lott’] lifestyle.” He is just as handsome, alluring and delightfully odd in real life as he is on the show. And that voice. Mmm-hmm. He is in the film that played tonight, “Champions.” It seems most people remember him from “Goodfellas” and the whole sauce-stirring situation. Apparently he had no facial hair at the time and they had to glue some on or something, if I heard right this evening.

He was so pleasant. I wanted to talk to him more but the whole party was strong-armed out of the place. So much so that other partygoers were complaining on their way out. I believe I saw a young woman smash a martini glass into the gravel on the outskirts of the castle. I know we tried to grab a drink for last call but snoozed and lost, which was just as well, I suppose. Though I would have loved to have jammed Kevin Corrigan, Jim Gillis, Janine Weisman (my charming editor) and her husband Larry into the back of my convertible to go grab a drink somewhere else. Instead, though, my sister and I had one at Mudville, which was good too. Still, I don’t think anyone was ready for the party to end. But the men in the maroon polo shirts delivered unto us the verdict, at 12:36 AM, and the dudes must abide.
Sometimes one must live the chaw-coh-lott lifestyle somewhere else.
PS. The food that I did taste at the party was delish. I especially liked the mini cones with tuna sashimi bits inside. It was like a fried hand roll. And Larry brought Janine over a dessert item that was a marshmallow on a toothpick dipped in chaw-coh-lott and then rolled in some shredded something – coconut or nuts? It looked good.
Ok. The Chaw-coh-lott lifestyle dictates than Jenn Sutkowski needs to be in bed pronto. A bientot.
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